Legal name of entity, address, phone, fax number, and email address:
Legal Name of Entity Address
Phone Fax Email Address
Projected Number of patients anticipated in year 1 and year 2:
Year 1 Year 2
Average number of units (hours) per patient:
Average revenue or charge rate per unit (hourly or daily charge) of service:
Do you anticipate any revenue reductions? (ie: bad debt expense, contractual allowances, charity work, etc.)
What services will be provided to the patients?
What clinical services will be provided by employees?
What clinical services will be provided by independent contractors?
What startup costs will you incur? Please indicate the projected amounts:
License Fees Inventory Equipment Insurance Advertising Consulting Fees Rent Accreditation Fees Utility Deposits Other (please specify)
Available cash (start-up capital) and its source:
How much will you pay the Medical Director?
What other administrative positions will you need, and how much will you pay them? (ie: secretary, front desk, scheduling)
How much will you pay for administrative and overhead expenses each month? Please list the expenses separately below:
Rent Office supplies Phones Insurances Professional Feess Utilities Repairs and Maintenance Other (please specify)
What payer sources will you use and what percentage of the business will they be? (ie: 50% Private Pay, 50% Medicaid, etc.)
This will help us get the process started. If you have any questions, please call me at (754) 301-2183.
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